Catholic Daughters of CDA Motto: Unity and Charity
CDA Mission Statement:
Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principles of faith through love in the promotion of justice, equality and through the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all mankind.
Our focus is on serving and helping one another. Our daily lives are full of many events that pull us one way or another but often leave us feeling like something is missing. It’s can be a comfort to meet with friends dedicated to supporting one another and our parish. We believe actions speak louder than any words therefore we provide our members an opportunity to develop their special God-given talents in a meaningful way to positively influence the welfare of the church and all people.
All Catholic women are welcome to join our Court. If you want to check us out, please feel free to attend a meeting. In 2024-2025, we meet the fourth Tuesday of the month from September through May, except in December when we meet on the third Tuesday. Our meetings follow the 5:30 PM Mass at St. Joseph’s Parish and are held in Nazareth Hall, near the Parish Office. The meetings start with a light meal. We strive to conclude our meeting by 7:30 PM. If you have questions, please contact Deb Bode, Regent. Call or text her at 651-587-7296 or email her at ourladyoflasalettem@gmail.
2024-2026 Catholic Daughters Officers: (Left to Right)